Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Serenity Calling

Ended up on the set of a new movie Monday night, so a new post was delayed again. The movie is called "A Mighty Heart" and stars Angelina Jolie, as the wife of slain Wall Street Journal reporter Daniel Pearl. The film is being produced by Brad Pitt's production house and is being directed by Michael Winterbottom, the same man who put together The Road to Guantanamo.

Once filming was wrapped I asked Michael about the wines they had in India, while on set. He refused to elaborate, saying Paramount is iffy about any info coming off their sets. Got to respect that. The cool thing is there was no casting involved. The studio just called my agent and said "Agent, is Jacob free Monday night?"

But, to be sure, Winterbottom loved the wines in India. Oops, shouldn't have said that.

Will say that the new episode is encountering problems, delays, etc. Hopefully we will have some footage online soon. Pray for calm.

Wine reviews next time.

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